Development of School Administration Skills for Phrapariyattidhamma School Administrators, General Education Section

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พระวรธนกร กิตฺติญาโณ แก้วพิลา
สมศักดิ์ บุญปู่
ระวิง เรืองสังข์
สมหมาย จันทร์เรือง


This research aims to study the current state of school administration skills, to
develop school administration skills, and to propose development process of school
administration skills for Phrapariyattidhamma school administrators, general
education section. The mixed research methods were used in the study. The data
were collected by questionnaires from 556 samples for factor analysis and from 201
samples for check list, and then analyzed by percentage, mean, and standard
deviation. The qualitative data were collected from in-depth interviews with 10
experts and group discussions with 10 experts, and analyzed by content analysis.
The research results found that:
1. In the current situation of administration in Phrapariyattidhamma schools,
the administration is unsystematic, school development cannot cope with the social
changes, decision authority depends on the hierarchy system, and the administrative
structure is not clear and lacks of good governance.
2. The possibility in development of school administration skills for
Phrapariyattidhamma school administrators, general education section was at the
high level overall. The accuracy was at the highest level, followed by usefulness and
appropriateness respectively.
3. The development process of school administration skills for Phrapariyattidhamma
school administrators, general education section consists of 5 main parts; 1) 5 skill
components of school administrators, 2) 5 development processes in school
administration skills, 3) 5 types of development in school administration skills, 4) 6
components of school administration, and 5) 5 activities in skill development.
Furthermore, Papanika Dhamma; vision, capable of administrating and human
relation, is also necessary to administrators of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, general

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แก้วพิลา พ. ก., บุญปู่ ส., เรืองสังข์ ร., & จันทร์เรือง ส. (2018). Development of School Administration Skills for Phrapariyattidhamma School Administrators, General Education Section. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 5(3). Retrieved from
Research Article


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